wincc database
How can you create a database user in the WinCC Runtime database for access via the MS OLE DB provider?
If the MS OLE DB provider is to be used for access to the WinCC Runtime database, you must specify a database user and password in the "ConnectionString" for setting up connections to the database:
string myConnectionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;
Data Source =\WINCC>;
uid =
pwd =
Initial Catalog = ";
If the specified user is not in the database or the user does not have sufficient rights, access to the database is prevented.
If the MS OLE DB provider is to be used for access to the WinCC Runtime database, you must specify a database user and password in the "ConnectionString" for setting up connections to the database:
string myConnectionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;
Data Source =
uid =
pwd =
Initial Catalog = ";
If the specified user is not in the database or the user does not have sufficient rights, access to the database is prevented.
- When using the WinCC OLE DB provider, there is no user or password specified in the "ConnectionString".
- If the same Windows users are logged on to the computers with
the Connectivity Pack Server and Client and these users are also using
the same password, then it is NOT necessary to create separate user
roles or users in the SQL server or in the Runtime database. In this
case there is no need for specifying the user name and password in the "ConnectionString" for connection setup. Instead, use the following connection parameters:
"Integrated Security=SSPI; Persist Security Info=false;"
Information on this is available in the Online Help for the Connectivity Pack under "Access via OLE DB Provider > Set up connection to the archive database".
- In the "Object Explorer" of the "Microsoft SQL Server Management
Studios" you select the item "... > Security > Users" under the
WinCC Runtime database and right-click to open the pop-up menu. Select
the menu command "New User...".
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Fig. 03
The name of the WinCC Runtime database corresponds to the "Data Source Name" of the Runtime database. Entry ID 9061684 contains all the detailed information you need about the determining the "Data Source Name".
A window opens for creating a new database user.
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Fig. 04
- Enter the name of the name of the new user in the "User name" input box. You can use the same name as in Step 3.
- Enter the login name used in Step 2 in the "Login name" input box.
With the "..." button on the right of the "Login name" input box you can look for logins in the database and select them.
- Fill in the "Default schema" and "Database role membership" fields.
If you only wish to have read access to the Runtime database, read-only access rights suffice. In this case you select the value "db_datareader" as "Default schema" and select the item "db_datareader" in the "Database role membership" list.
- Click the "OK" button to create the new user.
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