wincc 2

What options are there in WinCC for read and write access to TagLogging/AlarmLogging archives?
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Configuration NotesThe table below shows what options there are in WinCC for read and write access to TagLogging/AlarmLogging archives.
  • "r" read access If the "r" column is ticked for a configuration tool, this indicates that this tool supports read access to the archive data.
  • "w" write access If the "w" column is ticked for a configuration tool, this indicates that this tool supports write access to the archive data.
  • "csv" option to export data as a text file If the "csv" column is ticked for a configuration tool, this indicates that this tool supports data export in text format (CSV file, for example). 
Configuration tool r w csv Description
WinCC Graphics Designer x Runtime data can be displayed directly in the WinCC screen.
More detailed information about the controls is available in the WinCC documentation.
The following controls are available:
x 4) WinCC Alarm Control Using the WinCC Alarm Control, messages and alarms can be displayed in tabular form and acknowledged in the process picture.
4) From WinCC V7.0 onwards you can export all or selected Runtime data to a CSV file.
x 1) WinCC Online Trend Control Using the WinCC Online Trend Control, process values (archive and online values) can be displayed graphically in the form of a trend in the process picture.
1) From WinCC V6.2 onwards, at Runtime, you can export the trend data as a CSV file for the time slot shown in the control.
More information is available in Entry ID: 25533776.
x 2) WinCC Online Table Control Using the WinCC Online Table Control, process values (archive and online values) can be displayed in tabular form in the process picture.
2) From WinCC V7.0 onwards you can export the data as a CSV file at Runtime for the time slot displayed or selected parts of it.
x 3) WinCC Function Trend Control Using the WinCC Function Trend Control, process values (archive and online values) can be displayed graphically in the form of a trend in the process picture.
3) From WinCC V7.0 onwards you can export the Runtime data to a CSV file.
WinCC Report Designer   x Using the WinCC Report Designer, you can create reports and logs which can be used to print tag logging and alarm logging data at Runtime.
More detailed information is available in the WinCC documentation. NoteThe Report Designer also enables you to use data from ODBC data sources in the report or log.
More detailed information is available in the WinCC documentation.
Logging object
of the VBS
(as from WinCC V6.0 SP3)
x Using  "Logging Object"  you can reconnect swapped-out archive segments to the Runtime or delete previously swapped-in archive segments.
More detailed information is available in the WinCC documentation.
WinCC Option
Open Development Kit
x x x The ODK provides among other things functions that can be used to list existing archives, read data out of archives and insert data in archives. It is possible to export data into "*.csv" files.
More information is available in the WinCC documentation.
WinCC Option
Connectivity Pack
(as from WinCC V6.0 SP1)
x x x The WinCC/Connectivity Pack option provides among other things an OPC server that supports the specification OPC Historical Data Access 1.1 (OPC HDA). Using OPC HDA you can have read or write access to the WinCC archive system. Using WinCC OLE DB it is possible to gain direct read access to the archive data stored by WinCC in the MS SQL server database (process values, messages and user data). Here you can even use statistics functions (Minimum, Maximum, Average, Variance, for example). Here you can read data from several archive variables simultaneously with one access. The results here can be provided on request with a common time stamp and interpolated.
More detailed information is available in the WinCC Connectivity Pack documentation. Notes
  • From WinCC V6.0 onwards, the process values of the Tag Logging FAST archives are saved in compressed form. Direct access is possible via WinCC OLE-DB or ODK.
  • From WinCC V6.2 onwards, the process values of the Tag Logging SLOW archives are saved in compressed form. 
WinCC Option
Industrial Data Bridge
x x The WinCC/Industrial Data Bridge options package is for simple configuration/parameterization of the transfer of WinCC data (online data and historical data) to third-party systems (other OPC servers or databases) and back using standard software. Programming know-how is NOT necessary. Data transfer can be transferred automatically at specific times or depending on specific conditions. For example, the Industrial Data Bridge is used in conjunction with WinCC to be able to read and write data from and to external databases. Furthermore, you have the option of having read access to WinCC archives (process value or message archives) and writing this data to a file or database, for example. It is also possible to access WinCC user archives.
More detailed information is available in the WinCC Industrial Data Bridge documentation in Entry ID: 29489481.
WinCC Option
(pre V6.2: Dat@Monitor Web Edition)
x x The WinCC/Data Monitor options package is used specially for end users who wish to display process data (online, archives and alarms) or further analyze this data with the powerful tools supplied. DataMonitor is a suite of different evaluation applications.
More detailed information is available in the WinCC DataMonitor documentation.
Central Archive Server
(as from WinCC V6.2)
x The WinCC/Central Archive Server (CAS) options packages permits you to export to a computer the archive data of all the servers available in the system. Data access is transparent for the display and analysis and continues to be possible via the standard WinCC clients. Here, for the clients it does not matter whether the data is still on the WinCC server or already on the CAS. Both process value archives and message archives are created on the separate WinCC servers and transferred to the CAS upon completion of the individual database segments. Through "Store&Forward", even if the network is interrupted between the WinCC server and the CAS, the data is transferred securely as soon as the network is up and running again.
More detailed information is available in the WinCC Central Archive Server documentation.
Note on security
The functions and solutions described in this article confine themselves predominantly to the realization of the automation task. Furthermore, please take into account that corresponding protective measures have to be taken in the context of Industrial Security when connecting your equipment to other parts of the plant, the enterprise network or the internet. More information can be found in Entry ID: 50203404.


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